Last spring Congress passed the Monsanto Protection Act in a must pass six month Continuing Resolution spending bill that is set to expire at the end of this month on September 30th.Many members of Congress claimed not to know that it was snuck into the bill, hidden as it was under Section 735 and deceptively called the "farmer assurance provision. Unfortunately, right now House Republicans are trying to get the Monsanto Protection Act extended by introducing the same language as the previous continuing resolution.
The good news is that several members of Congress are working hard to strip the Monsanto Protection Act from the spending bill. The vote is scheduled to take place as early as tomorrow morning and we need your help to make sure it doesn't pass.
1. Click here to tell Congress to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act! Help end Monsanto's takeover of our government. Every voice counts!
3. We've confirmed that a bill to try to pre-empt state GMO labeling efforts will be introduced by Congressman Fred Upton's (R-MI), who is the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. If you support GMO labeling at the state level, please let his office know you disapprove of any bill that would steal state's rights to label GMOs - call (202) 225-3761.
The passage of the Monsanto Protection Act was the last straw for millions of Americans and citizens worldwide who are outraged over the continued corruption of our democratic institutions, the contamination of our environment and Monsanto’s relentless march to take over of our food supply.
The Monsanto Protection Act has been called the most outrageous corporate handout in recent history. You were one of the 300,000 Food Democracy Now! members that asked Congress and the White House to prevent it from becoming law last March and we need your help to repeal it today! Because of you, the effort to stop the secret provision has now become the rallying cry of a growing movement of everyday citizens around the world who are committed to stopping the corporate takeover of our food supply.Click HERE to sign the petition ~
A copy of your letter of support will be delivered to your Senators and Representative:Dear Member of Congress,
I am writing to urge you to strike the Monsanto Protection Act, otherwise known as Section 735, currently included in the Continuing Resolution's spending bill (H.J.RES.59).
Though wrapped in a “farmer-friendly” package, this provision is simply an industry ploy to continue to sell genetically engineered (GE) seeds even when a court of law has found they were approved by USDA illegally. It is unnecessary and an unprecedented attack on U.S. judicial review. Congress should not be meddling with the judicial review process based solely on the special interest of a handful of companies.
I am urging you to vote No on the Continuing Resolution because it contains Section 735, AKA the Monsanto Protection Act, and vote against any bill or provision that would eliminate state's rights to label genetically engineered foods. This past March, Americans were outraged when Congress passed the “farmer assurance provision”, Section 735 in HR 933 and now Congress is considering passing it again in the current continuing resolution spending bill.
It's important that as Congress consider the financial health of our nation that the Monsanto and the biotech industry are not allowed to undermine our basic democratic rights and the concept of judicial review.
As your constituent, I believe it's important that our elected officials support more oversight of the agricultural biotech industry, not less. It's important to me and my family what we eat everyday, and biotech lobbyists shouldn't be allowed to corrupt the review process for new biotech crops.
I support more openness and transparency in food labeling and government!
[Your Name]
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