County Executive Gordon Enacts Policy to Curb Overtime/Comp Time For Appointees
NEW CASTLE, Del. – County Executive Tom Gordon has issued a new policy that restricts the use of comp time and overtime for general managers and other executive branch appointees of New Castle County.
Department managers, and other Executive Branch appointees, must fulfill their assigned duties regardless of the time necessary to meet the goals and objectives set forth by the County Executive and the Chief Administrative Officer, according to New Castle County Personnel Policy #5.16. They shall not be eligible for overtime or comp time.
“Members of my Administration are expected to lead by example,” County Executive Gordon said.
Chief Administrative Officer David Grimaldi directed Chief Human Resources Officer Valencia “Lynn” Beaty to craft the new policy consistent with the County Executive’s directive.
“The County Executive wants to ensure that we maximize the value of taxpayer dollars for this, and future Administrations,” Grimaldi said. “This policy is consistent with the pay structure of private sector management level employees.”
In accordance with the new policy, managers and other appointees may only be eligible for compensatory time, also known as “comp time,” during unique circumstances and only with the prior approval of the Chief Administrative Officer.
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