While Greenpeace may toot their own horn as environmental watch-dogs on occasion, and no less frequently exaggerate the deranged practices of oil companies, corporate polluters, and nuclear energy sites, understandably, for effect, it seems Fukushima is really as bad as they say it is. According to a recent article by the environmental group, “Japan anxiously hid the leaks’ that are now dumping nuclear-contaminated water back into the Pacific Ocean, and they are calling for more transparency so that the site can be shored up and the ongoing radiation leaks controlled.
National Geographic is calling the ongoing disaster at Fukushima a level 3 disaster rating out of 7. It was elevated significantly just over a week ago since it’s original rating of 1 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES). According to the INES, ‘events’ are rated according to several criteria, but namely how the incident affects people, the environment, radiological barriers, and control. The scale is designed, ‘so that the severity of the event is about ten times greater for each increase in level on the scale.”
And from Rachel Maddow | "No Good Options": Radioactive Leaks From Japan's Damaged Nuclear Plant Threaten the Pacific Ocean
Also, the News Journal had an item about the Japanese wanting to build a frozen wall beneath the sea to stop the spread of radiation.....Japan to fund ice wall to stop leaksRachel Maddow, The Rachel Maddow Show: Edwin Lyman, of the Union of Concerned Scientists, talks about the alarming new radiation readings coming from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan and the despairingly few options for how to contain the vast quantities of radioactive wastewater accumulating at the site, threatening the Pacific Ocean.
TOKYO — The Japanese government announced Tuesday that it will spend $470 million on a subterranean ice wall and other steps in a desperate bid to stop leaks of radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant after repeated failures by the plant’s operator. The decision is widely seen as an attempt to show that the nuclear accident won’t be a safety concern just days before the International Olympic Committee chooses among Tokyo, Istanbul and Madrid as the host of the 2020 Olympics.Update from Common Dreams ~ Radiation at Fukushima Soars to Highest Level Yet - As officials tout 'ice wall' experiment, more lethal levels of radioactivity detected
Record high radiation levels were detected at the disaster-stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, Japan's nuclear regulator and plant operator TEPCO said on Wednesday, raising more concerns that the spiraling catastrophe has no end in sight.
Image taken by operator TEPCO on August 26, 2013 shows Toshimitsu Motegi, Japan's Economy, Trade and Industry Minister, inspecting the Fukushima plant.Officials said they had detected radiation of levels of 2,200 millisieverts per hour on Tuesday near contaminated water storage tanks. That's a rise of 20% from the previous high, the Guardian reports.
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