You would think the politicians would bring some paint for the backboard.....
Peaceful Rioters for Wilmington, Delaware is a group started on facebook in February 2013 that is trying to keep it real in the City of Wilmington.
For instance, photographs of Hedgeville's Kosciuscko park taken yesterday show the flip-side of the News Journal's representation in "COURTING PRIDE - Wilmington hopes to net a new attitude with cleanup campaign"
Derrick Duncan, 18, (center) and his brother Dommonnic, 15, help Sen. Robert Marshall (center, right) put up new basketball nets Wednesday at Kosciuszko Park in Wilmington. With Marshall are Wilmington Councilwoman Sherry Dorsey Walker and Councilman Mike Brown. SUCHAT PEDERSON/THE NEWS JOURNAL
Sex, Drugs and a Sit-In in Kosciuszko Park
Friday morning, an operative for Peaceful Rioters took these photos (except the photo with people shown) while exercising in Kosciuszko Park. Besides the photo of the trash can, all photos were taken on or around the basketball court. Keep in mind the area of the basketball court also includes two swing sets where the smallest children play.
Yesterday, according to The News Journal Kosciuszko Park was cleaned-up and new nets replaced the old, torn and tattered nets on the basketball rims. Although it is possible that in less than 24 hours after the clean up all these items could have appeared and one of the basketball nets taken down, it is unlikely.
Peaceful Rioters believe these photos tell a story closer to the truth. Andrew Staub of The News Journal reports DE State Senator Bobby Marshall declaring, "This is something that the city government could repair. Basketball nets- I mean an issue as minor as basketball nets- we ought to be able to provide." You are 100% correct Senator Marshall, yet your statement is a microcosm of the issues Wilmington's parks face. In this case both basketball rims were supposed to be replaced with new nets, but somehow only one of them was. Who dropped the ball this time? Senator Marshall? Councilwoman Dorsey? Councilman Mike Brown, we won't go there.
The next Sit-In is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, September 6th at Kosciuszko Park from 6 until ??? We are meeting at the fire pit and will be roasting marshmallows. Help this weekend's Sit In to be as or more successful than last weekend's Sit-In (on the corner of 5th and Scott Sts). Contact Gina Delle Donne via Facebook with questions.
To which the reporter comments ~
Andrew Staub Hi, just as a point of clarification, we did not report that the park was totally cleaned up. We reported that state Sen. Robert Marshall said other elected officials want to team up to enhance the park, and that he equated those cleanup efforts to former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s efforts in NYC. We also noted the new nets he brought and the tree-trimming plans, but did not say the entire park cleaned. The trash that was there this morning was probably the same trash that was there Thursday. I just wanted to make sure the public did not believe the whole park was cleaned and then totally trashed overnight.
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