With help from neighbors, we pre-treated a Del-DOT retaining wall at Old Kennett Pike in advance of the Del-DOT crews power washing .
Cleaned up graffiti in 6 New Castle County Parks as well as painted a couple of pedestrian bridges.
As well as a DART shelter on Centerville road.
Civic League for New Castle County VP Chuck Stirk sent this along after news of the recent arrest of a graffiti offender ~ Brookland Terrace Civic Club Anti Graffiti Brigade Has Had A Busy Month! New Castle County Police Chief, Colonel Setting, really got to work quickly. New Castle County Police have all ready made multiple arrests.Communities from Willow Run, Marshallton, Stanton, Newport, Old Kennett Pike, Yorklyn, the entire Route 82 Corridor to Northridge in Claymont, Alban Park and many other communities as well as Del-Dot and NCC Parks have really been great about letting us know about new graffiti so we can clean and paint over it quickly.I would be remiss if I didn't mention other Anit Graffiti Brigade Captains Isaac Walker in Greenville and Phil Lavelle and R.J. Miles who have been busy cleaning up in North Wilmington.A bit of history about our program: the Brookland Terrace Civic Club Anti Graffiti Brigade was started in 2008 after suffering a rash of graffiti.We had a core group of community members that felt a more effective use of our time was cleaning up graffiti as opposed to simply complaining at meetings.Shortly after that, Del-Dot and NCC Parks started to supply us with paint and cleaner.If it wasn't for the trust and support of Bill Thatcher at Del- DOT and Jeff Swift at NCC Parks, we never would have been able to do half of what we have accomplished.To date, those convicted of doing graffiti have been fined more then $1,200.00 and must do 250 hours of community service- half of which needs to be cleaning up graffiti.In March 2009, BTCC got a call from Walter Krawczyk at Adult Probation and Parole about taking on court-ordered community service workers. On the first day at our park clean up in Woodland Run Park we had 37 CSWs show up!It was decided by Brookland Terrace that this was something we wanted to continue to do. Myself, with co-leader William Wheatley and along with community members Michelle Zebrowski and Jesse Yarrusso, set about figuring out how to design and fund a community-based adult and youth program from the ground up. In short, we learned a lot very quickly.Soon after, we talked with Don Watts at Juvenile Probation and Parole and started to get even more juvenile offenders into the program.Yearly, we now work with over 250 volunteers, juveniles and adults with court-ordered hours as well as student and community volunteers.In 2012 we painted over graffiti on more then 175 Del-DOT bridges and other property.In addition we have continued our partnership with New Castle County Parks, cleaning up graffiti in NCC Parks as well as maintenance painting of bridges and other structures.We have also worked with the cities of Wilmington and Newark on graffiti removal and special projects.We are currently totally funded via donations from community groups with an annual budget of under $5,000.00 with the bulk of this going towards fuel.If anyone would like to make a donation, please send it to Brookland Terrace Civic Club, 200 Hillside Avenue, Wilmington Delaware 19805.Feel free to report graffiti to us at (302) 463-2239 brooklandterrace@gmail.comIf we can't clean it up we will make sure it gets reported to the proper place for clean up.President BTCCCharles C. Stirk Jr.
Brookland Terrace Civic Club
Incorporated 1940
200 Hillside Ave
Wilmington Delaware 19805
United States of America
2013 Meeting Dates
September 3rd
November 5th
At Marbrook Elementary School
2101 Centerville Road Wilmington, DE 19805
2101 Centerville Road Wilmington, DE 19805
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