There's more news today:
Liz Allen sent this along ~ These robber barons just won't stop!
Alert on New Reybold Lease Offers
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 9:06 PM
Subject: Alert on New Reybold Lease Offers
Representatives,From: Fred Neil, Volunteer Public Affairs Officer, DMHOA, 302-678-3288One Behalf of the Delaware Manufactured Home Owners Association Board of DirectorsIf you have a Reybold Leased Land Community in your District, you should be aware of a letter sent to your constituents with an offer to a new One, Three or Five Year Lease to be put in effect before SB 33, The Rent Justification law become official.The Director of Consumer Protection Greg Strong, some members of the State Legislature and the Delaware Manufactured Home Owners Association (D MHOA) have received complaints about Reybold and other community owners seeking to find away around the law.Based on a specific concern by a disabled Senior Citizen, Representative Valerie Longhurst has arranged a meeting for the Hunters Run Community on Wednesday, July 24, 6 pm to 8 pm, at the Wilbur Elementary School.While the new law may have some growing pains, the signing a new lease is not required in Delaware and may have long lasting implications contrary to the intent of SB 33. This proposal represents a financial danger to the home owners who may not have enough information to make enlightened decision.Facing a rapidly approaching deadline for the law to take effect, there will be pressure on the home owning tenant, fearful of losing their house or targeted for making a complaint, to make a decision without proper legal advice.We urge you to be aware of the situation and direct complaints to the Attorney General or other legal resources before the constituent signs any new lease.
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