By Dave Williams
To be delivered to: The Delaware State Senate
Petition Statement:
You are forcing healthcare on us. So let us chose how we would like to stay healthy. NO GMO.
Petition Background:
GMO food has not been proven safe. When spliced with pesticides to help it with stand weed killer how can it be safe. The growing population are having more and more health issues. Mostly due to the junk they are putting in our food and environmental pollution. Help stop the profit over health practices that Monsanto,DuPont and the FDA are waging against you. Sign the Petition today.From ~
Last month, Connecticut became the first state in the country to require foods to have a clear label stating whether they contain genetically modified ingredients.1 Consumers beat Monsanto and the other agribusinesses that fought against their right to know what's in their food.
Families in Delaware have the same right to know whether the foods they eat have GMOs—as the evidence mounts suggesting that GMOs are unsafe. For example, recent studies have shown that many genetically modified food crops may have viral genes that are toxic to humans.2
That's why Dave Williams, a fellow MoveOn member who lives in Bear, started a petition calling on your governor and state legislature to require GMO labeling in Delaware. MoveOn members are working state by state to require GMO labeling—but to win in Delaware, we need to make sure lots of people in your area sign on.
Click here to sign and share Dave Williams's petition calling for GMO labeling in Delaware.
1. "Connecticut Approves Labeling Genetically Modified Foods," The New York Times, June 3, 2013
2. "The Very Real Danger of Genetically Modified Foods," The Atlantic, January 9, 2012
3. "Uncovered, the 'toxic' gene hiding in GM crops: Revelation throws new doubt over safety of foods," The Daily Mail, January 21, 2013
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