Delaware new lobbyist reporting system wins national award

The State of Delaware received the 2013 Web 2.0 Award in the “Harnessing the Power of Civic Media” category from the Public Technology Institute for its new Public Integrity Reporting System,

The PIRS is a result of the passage of Senate Bill 185, proposed by Gov. Jack Markell and approved by the General Assembly, which requires lobbyists to disclose their reports online to the public.

“The recognition by the Public Technology Institute is encouraging for our eGovernment initiatives,” said Markell. “This award also highlights the continuing and successful efforts of the General Assembly and my administration at making state government more transparent, open and accessible to all Delawareans.”

Users of the new PIRS can see which lobbyists are engaged on specific legislation, and view lobbyists’ client lists and financial disclosures. The new system also makes it easier for lobbyists and public officials to maintain a profile, and to submit required lobbying and gift-related reports online. The PIRS online interface is also mobile-friendly, allowing lobbyists to report, and citizens to search using smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.

The PIRS is part of a growing collection of online applications developed by Delaware Interactive, LLC as part of the Delaware’s eGovernment initiative. The Delaware eGovernment team is a partnership of Delaware Government Information Center, state agencies and private companies that work together to develop innovative resources for computers and mobile devices to improve access to government services and information in Delaware.

Other recent eGovernment initiatives include a Hunting and Trapping Registration System, a directory of services for veterans, applications to report suspicious activities and crimes, a system to distribute temporary automobile license tags, an upgraded statewide public meeting calendar, a search tool for professional licenses, and a variety of agency-specific applications for mobile devices.

“This is wonderful news,” said Deborah J. Weaver, counsel to the Public Integrity Commission. “Delaware Interactive has responded well to our needs and we are excited to continue our relationship with them to promote greater transparency in government for the general public.”

The Web 2.0 Awards were created by the PTI to recognize city, county and state government leaders in the application of Web 2.0 technologies and civic/social media tools. PTI is a not-for-profit entity created by and for cities and counties to promote innovation and collaboration for thought-leaders in government.

“Under the leadership of Governor Markell, Delaware state agencies are implementing innovative and exciting ways to better reach and serve citizens online,” said GIC Director Greg Hughes.  “It’s gratifying to receive independent recognition of the Public Integrity Reporting System project and we welcome ideas from citizens and businesses on ways we can continue to improve our e-government services.”

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