People in my town are boiling mad at the Governor's attack on John Kowalko. REALLY PISSED. And I am hearing that many of his Assembly colleagues are just as furious. Newarkers will fight as hard to protect John Kowalko as he fights to protect us!
Markell writes ~
Plus, some jobs comments on facebook generated by the Markell op-ed yesterday ~
How many data centers do you know with a for profit power station?
But we have several dozen people that manage the data center from India, The Czech Republic and several other states.
I also support Amy Roe for Mayor of Newark. Go Amy!
Most of the jobs will be power plant employees, which is why it is important to call this a power plant not a data center.Also, any idea how many data centers we already have? I know of at least 5 in New Castle County without thinking too hard. Have they turned the county into some sort of technology hub? Nope.
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