(WBOC) Michael Chesney reports ~ Del. Committee Hears Single-Payer Health Care System Bill
DOVER, Del. (WBOC)- A single-payer health care system in Delaware was what was up for discussion Wednesday night at Legislative Hall, even though the Delaware General Assembly is out of session.(DPR) Don Rush reports for AP ~ Few Yet to Sign Up in Delaware for Coverage Under ACA
A single-payer system is government-run health care. The state, not private insurance companies, would handle all health care costs.
HB 74 would create that system in Delaware. It was introduced back in April. But its sponsor requested it be heard outside of session. So, it was a very small crowd on-hand in the house chamber to discuss the specifics of the single-payer healthcare system plan. According to Rep. John Kowalko, D-Newark South, the bill's sponsor, the state would pay for the system mainly through a payroll tax for employers, federal medicare and medicaid money and a personal income tax increase of 2.5 percent.
"The first instinct is you're going to increase my tax," he said. "If you're decreasing the current money you pay for health care, if you decrease the cost of co-pays, deductibles, if you eliminate those, you'll find that 2.5-percent is a savings compared to what you're paying now."
Single Payer ConsideredAnd (WDDE) April Hall reports about the meeting HERE
While the nation’s attention has been focused on the rollout of the Affordable Care Act website there was a quiet public hearing in Delaware’s Legislative Hall last night contemplating another kind of health care coverage.
That is a single-payer system in which the state and not private insurance companies would handle all health care costs.
It was introduced back in April but its author Representative Jon Kowalko (D-New South) wanted to hold the hearing outside of the legislative session which begins in January.
WBOC reports that under the legislation the system would be mainly paid for through a payroll tax for employers, federal Medicare and Medicaid money money as well as a personal income tax increase of 2.5 percent.
There were a few questions from the public at the hearing but no one spoke against the idea.
If the legislation were to get approval in Delaware it would still be a few years away before taking effect.
Nationally, both the Clinton and Obama administrations discarded such an option focusing their attention on reforming the private sector.
From HB 74 sponsor State Rep. John Kowalko's facebook ~
Public hearing on single-payer bill draws little attention - See more at: http://www.wdde.org/52601-delaware-single-payer-bill-hearing#sthash.9R3wUbJd.dpuf
Public hearing on single-payer bill draws little attention - See more at: http://www.wdde.org/52601-delaware-single-payer-bill-hearing#sthash.9R3wUbJd.dpuf
Also see Pandora's post on Delaware Liberal ~ Anybody Else Longing For Single Payer?
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