Newark Residents Against the Power Plant
Press Conference
Monday, November 11, 2013
Who: Newark Residents Against the Power PlantWhat: The Newark Residents Against the Power Plant is claiming a timely victory in its cause against the proposed construction of a 279 MW power plant in the middle of 30,000 residents on the University of Delaware’s STAR Campus and plans a press conference on Monday, November 11, 2013 at 6:30pm in front of the City of Newark Municipal Building, just before the City Council meeting at 7pm. A representative for the Residents will read a statement and Newark residents will be available for interviews.Where: Newark Municipal Building, 220 South Main St. Newark, DE.When: Monday, November 11, 2013 at 6:30pm.For questions, email more information:No Newark Power Plant -
Plus, a letter today ~ Markell, Data Center hurting Newark and Delaware
There was no community opposition to the Fisker takeover of the GM plant. That was like-for-like, car plant for car plant. You will also recall that it failed miserably, with a loss to Delaware taxpayers of more than $20 million, due at least in part to wishful thinking and lack of oversight by the Markell administration.
Here we have a shell of a company with no discernible resources, no experience in either power plant or data center construction, that refuses to provide either its financial or engineering plans. We do know that, at a proposed 248 megawatts, the power plant, if built, will produce more power than used by the city of Newark, UD and any conceivable data center. We also know it will be a blight on the surrounding residential neighborhoods.
According to The News Journal, Delaware is doing poorly compared to other states in housing price recovery. In fact many of the houses in Newark purchased in recent years might be worth less than their mortgage balances. At the last Newark City Council meeting, a real estate agent stated that buyers are already being scared away by the proposed power plant.
It would take little more to push us over the edge where people start walking away from their properties and our neighborhoods begin to collapse.
So, Governor, do we ever get to say “no?”
Leonard W Schwartz
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