Paul Baumbach writes ~
No Newark Power Plant reports ~ Official air permit application submitted, DNREC says it is administratively incomplete due to zoning
The Data Centers LLC has submitted an “official” air permit application to the State of Delaware’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. In their application, TDC checked the box for “Proof of Local Zoning”.
Yet DNREC disagrees that TDC has supplied proof of zoning, claiming that the permit application is “administratively incomplete”. Their website has the following announcement:Application from The Data Centers, LLC for the proposed project in Newark.
The Division of Air Quality is in receipt of The Data Centers’ official application for the proposed project in Newark. However, as submitted the application has been determined to be administratively incomplete; proof of zoning has not been submitted with the application. Upon submission of the required zoning information, the application will be reviewed for technical completeness. Once the application has been found to be complete, the Department will provide guidance to the public and interested parties for submitting comments and questions. The Department anticipates preparing a draft-permit which will also be made available for public review and comment.
YEESH! So, the Air Quality Construction Permit Application TDC submitted Friday included the letter from Newark's Planning Director saying CONFIRMATION DENIED and a box checked to say ZONING CONFIRMED? Height of arrogance, much?Official Application (11-4-13)DNREC regulations forbid the processing of permit applications without proof of zoning. The timing has been close on our recent FOIA and disclosure of the TDC’s grant application to the Delaware Economic Development Office and the response from the City of Newark’s planning department (also included in the permit application).
Contact Information:
Paul Foster
(302) 323-4542
Amy Roe for Mayor writes today ~
From (Newak Post) Katie Simmons ~ DNREC: Data Center's air permit application incomplete
Feeney Roser said TDC's air permit application states that that the company is seeking a permit for the generation of 279 megawatts of power, which is different than the 248 megawatts that was presented to the city at a public meeting in early September. This conflicting statement, along with others made in the application, is what sparked her letter to Beringer, she said.
“The amount of power it will be generating seems to be a moving target,” Feeney Roser said. “And it can't be.”
TDC submitted its application to DNREC with Feeney Roser's letter attached, marked on the application as proof of local zoning. However, DNREC declined to accept the application, determining it to be “administratively incomplete” and stated it will not begin reviewing it until proof of zoning is attached along with the application.
Also see: UD faculty, residents continue to question proposed power plantAnd Burke gets a story in today too ~ Delaware air regulators put hold on Data Centers air permit - State declines to issue Data Centers permit
“I cannot issue an air permit unless zoning is proper,” said Paul Foster, environmental program manager in the Division of Air Quality of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. “We’re not going to move forward in processing the application until it’s complete.”Meanwhile, the clock is ticking on actions Council can take to rein in potential power plant abuses before a building permit application is submitted and grandfathered to the current code.
Should Council not act to amend the STAR campus STC Zoning Code to call for a special public hearing for any proposal generating power on site beyond the ONE MW referenced in the September 2011 Planning Commission minutes as the meaning of "accessory use" by then Planning Director Roy Lopata (and not countered by University employee Andy Lubin and Counsel Bill Manning)?
At the October 28th Council meeting, Amy Roe requested action to amend the code to remove the the city manager as sole authority to approve noise ordinance waivers and I hear they are working on closing that loophole. See next Monday's Council meeting agenda item 2.(e) ~
First Reading – Bill 13-37 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20A, Noise, Code of the City of Newark, Delaware, By Clarifying the Conditions for Special Waivers – Second Reading – December 9, 2013Roe also said:
"Since the City of Newark would have to certify the zoning issue, yet there are many uncertainties in the zoning discussion including whether a power plant that greatly exceeds the energy needs of the data center, can be an "accessory use", I ask City Council to vote tonight to place a moratorium on all zoning verifications until this issue can be appropriately addressed on the public record.
Since the legislative intent of the STC Zoning has been questioned, and critical information about the power plant was withheld from City Council prior to the adoption of STC Zoning, I also ask that Newark City Council vote tonight to establish a moratorium on accepting or approving any plans for power generating facilities greater than 1MW until the legislative intent can be settled. Whether such clarifications need to be established in the zoning code is something that should be deliberated by this body."
Plus, WAY, WAY FEWER JOBS projected in 2011 for a similar power plant proposed for Dover, (Dover Post) Doug Denison reports ~ Dover Council committee hears pitch for natural gas power plant -
Plans call for a 309-megawatt combined-cycle natural gas generating facility, which means about one-third of the plant’s output would be produced by burning natural gas in a turbine similar to a jet engine, while the other 33-percent of its power would be generated using steam heated by the gas turbine’s exhaust.........During construction, Fisher estimated the project could employ 300 to 400 workers, but only 10 to 15 people would be required to run the completed facility.And a little bit more from Amy Roe ~
I wonder if Econsult's Ronald Bednar is related to TDC's Michael Bednar of Duffield Associates? I extracted the report from the application, see attached.The new air permit application includes economic analysis from a company out of Philadelphia called Econsult Solutions.One of their staff is Ronald Bednar.
I thought Warton School of Business was supposed to be doing the economic analysis.
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